Shame Shame Shame !!!
The “hanging” of Saddam Husain was really unfortunate and a shameful act of cowardness. It has undone all the sympathy America had received after 9/11. The whole world was a mute spectator to a personal settlement of score, where an adamant and a shame less dictator did a cold blooded murder of a king who had courageously challenged his father. The biggest losers are the American citizens who are risked against the whole world and their morals sold to a personal enmity. This act will only make America more isolated and has made more enemies then every before.
I guess the whole world should unite against the insane, arrogant, mindless and a sick dictator who is talking the whole world for granted. His personal assistant, Tony Blair should stop putting the heritage and respect of the royal British into his feet. The Iraq people should realize that it not an end of an once so called cruel dictator, but the respect and dignity of a nation. Bush has given Democracy a new meaning, “American Colonies”.
If someone should be hanged, its Bush.