International women's day...

The difference between the day last year and this day is the change in my perception about women. There are two kinds of women in the present day. One who know what is the difference between good and bad and the other who know what is the difference between bad and bad. There are some women who have achieved a lot and know how to make use of the power they have to make this world a better place. On the other hand there are women who are misusing the freedom and power to victimize the society for their selfish needs.

In this rapidly developing, or should I say a nuclear society where individuals are getting more and more prominent than a family, where relations are shrinking in the durations and are dictated by needs, where people have learned to move on hopping from one environment to other in search of growth brutalizing the intimate bonds between individuals, where the rationales of living standards are rapidly changing, where the perception of what is correct and what is wrong are changing...Has also impacted my perception of a women.


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