Yesterday was my birthday. Over all a good day. Lots of my friends remembered to wish me in their busy sheadule. But from some whom I was expecting to remember totally forgot to mention. But had fun over all.
Realized some things have changed, realized that distance matters, realized that the importance that you give to someone is purely your perception. Realized that some things change for ever. Realized that some remain only for courtesy sake and for others just the priorities are changed. Life does not always give you what you asked for. It surprises you with the ups and downs. It takes away every thing when you start enjoying what you have, then it starts giving you those happy moments in bits and pieces from unexpected ways...and life goes on...
Zindigi ke safar mein guzar jate hai joo mukam...
woh fir nahi aate, woh fir nahi aate...
Realized some things have changed, realized that distance matters, realized that the importance that you give to someone is purely your perception. Realized that some things change for ever. Realized that some remain only for courtesy sake and for others just the priorities are changed. Life does not always give you what you asked for. It surprises you with the ups and downs. It takes away every thing when you start enjoying what you have, then it starts giving you those happy moments in bits and pieces from unexpected ways...and life goes on...
Zindigi ke safar mein guzar jate hai joo mukam...
woh fir nahi aate, woh fir nahi aate...