Apple iPhone Better? Seriously?
American award for an american company? seriously? Well less said the better!
Comparing with other smart phones which in thickness and claiming not sacrificing on size is a joke!
NO FM Reciever
NO MicroSD
No Bluetooth
add the above to iPhone and it will look like a brick!

seriously? Atleast 3 mobiles have higher ppi then the iPhone 5 apple as usual bluffing about the competition!

Almost every iPhone 5 on regular usage does not give more than 8 hrs! S3 on the other hand give 24 Hrs of battery life!

only dual core? how a 8 cores? spl cores for spl work! Just calling powerful does not work! give some stats.

SO? Wifi and LTE are not iPhone features. Its like saying I drive my moped on a freeway and claim my moped is better!

What about Picasa? What about facebook? What about google+ photos? Why would google (android) choose flickr (yahoo) over its own online photo stores?

Millions of Apps written by non apple employees? Seriously? Again claiming something not done by them as their...

Most advanced based on what? It takes at least 10 swipes to enable \ disable one setting. Like wifi or 3G. There are so many devices supported by Android and only iPhone by iOS6. Which is more advanced?

Please repeat what you said? I don't understand what you are saying. Compare it with google NOW... google now is now...Siri is "sorry" can you repeat?

(* on all your apple devices only)
.. .and you pay for storing it when you have other free services which can put your content on any devices...not only android.

So it means apple products are not free from issues and easy to use as they claim