This day, two years ago...
Its exactly two years, this day my life had started to change forever.
In these two years My life changed completely. I have changed completely.
Two years ago i had believed my life had settled. I thought i had achieved
all that i had wanted. I thought i had seen everything.
Then a tide changed everything...turning my life upside down...
This day i stand completely confused, as if i am at the start of my life.
Not sure of where i am to go from here. It seems as if my life has completely
fallen apart. My nature has changed. My thinking has changed.
Completely isolated from the world, hibernating into myself...waiting for the
life to take a turn and change, hopefully for the better...
In these two years My life changed completely. I have changed completely.
Two years ago i had believed my life had settled. I thought i had achieved
all that i had wanted. I thought i had seen everything.
Then a tide changed everything...turning my life upside down...
This day i stand completely confused, as if i am at the start of my life.
Not sure of where i am to go from here. It seems as if my life has completely
fallen apart. My nature has changed. My thinking has changed.
Completely isolated from the world, hibernating into myself...waiting for the
life to take a turn and change, hopefully for the better...