The third book by Chetan Bhagat. This retains the simplicity of writing and spice of bollywood movies. Some argue that his way of writing is cheap and crap. I say compare him to the writers of his style, not the west inspired, west mocking Indian English writers. His story starts with him meeting a character of the novel, Govind. His two friends Ishanth and Omie. Set in Gujarat in times of the earth quake (January 26, 2001), WTC attack (September 11, 2001) and the burning of Sabarmati express (February 27, 2002). The main characters Govind: Business man Ishanth: Failed Cricketer Omie: A son of a priest Vidya: Ishanth's sister and Govind's love interest. Ali: A budding cricketer Mamaji: Omie's Uncle Parakh ji: Local politician. Pandit ji: Wholesale dealer. He takes you to Australia and back. You have mathematics combined with business combined with cricket combined with a romance combined with religion combined with politics. All the ingredients required to make a movie a hi...