
Showing posts from June, 2007

A Monologue series by Girish Karnard

I was always fascinated by the concept of monologues. Had heard and read about them but had never seen one. This was i guess the best one i could have watched. The writing of Girish Karnad had always attracted me. Girish Karnard's stories always have three main ingredients. They always have a sense of humour in the stories. They also have some super natural twists and they have a lot of adult dialogs. Rajat Kapoor's performance, the set, the lighting all hold your attention. The narration by Rajat Kapoor brings to life all the characters in the script. Its as good as seeing them on the stage. The second monologue of Girish Karnard i saw was "Bikre Bimb" an Hindi adaptation of its original version called "Odkalu Bimba". This was directed by Girish Karnard after a gap of 35 yrs. This was preformed by Arundithi Nag, who owns Ranga Sankara. The best part about the play was the concept of portraying the concise of the caracter in a TV which was so perfectly synch...

Antaragange Trek Snaps

Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End - No good. Shriek III, good.

Watched these two movies over the weekend. Got the tickets for POC by luck (or bad luck?), returned after watching the movie to find my bike's clutch broken, why the hell did I get my bike !!! Had to call up a friend to drop me home @ 1:30 AM, poor fella... One thing in common which I was looking for in both the movies was the special effects, POC disappointed, where as shriek III surprised with the quality of animation. So much of details worked on. One the other had POC had a poor story line, no over the edge situations, no comic totality a disappointment.